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Yoga Haywards Heath

Yoga Haywards Heath

Yoga Haywards Heath


What’s the difference between yoga and power yoga? Yoga Haywards Heath

Yoga Haywards Heath

Power Yoga moves more quickly than regular Yoga, and as such gives more cardio output, therefore, increasing your overall fitness levels. In regular Yoga, the focus is on holding the post, but the focus in Power Yoga is on the movement.

Here at Linear Health & Fitness, we focus more on Power Yoga to deliver results from every session whilst also relaxing and destressing the mind and body.

Why Yoga and Exercise Classes go hand in hand – Yoga Haywards Heath

Yoga is a great way to stretch and look after all of your body’s muscles when not working out. It helps to increase your strengthen and flexibility and when combined with other high intensity, cardio based workouts it can have a great effect!

Yoga Haywards Heath

Increase Strength and Flexibility – Yoga Haywards Heath

Yoga is great at improving your overall flexibility by getting you into poses that your body would naturally adopt. This causes your muscles to work very different to how they are working for example in your Cardio 30 class! This next level of flexibility is not only great for your muscles generally but will also make you go further in your exercises classes.

Yoga Haywards Heath

Slow twitch and fast twitch muscles fibres – Yoga Haywards Heath

If you are doing 3-4 high intensity, cardio workouts a week with us at Linear Health & Fitness and are using adrenaline and power to get you through them (like you are suppose to) you activate your fast-twitch muscle fibers. This helps you develop power and speed allowing you to perform between during the cardio workout. In yoga, by doing the movements slowly and holding poses for a while, you activate slow-twitch muscle fibers, which builds endurance. It’s useful to maintain a balance between both these types of muscle fibers, and doing a combination of yoga and cardio maintains this.

Yoga Haywards Heath

Workout for the body and mind- Yoga Haywards Heath

Whilst we all feel great after a boxing or indoor cycling class due to the rush of endorphins to the brain after exercise, yoga allows you to truly relax after a 45 – 60 minute session. You can destress, chill out and shut out the endless chatter in your mind, whilst you focus on your breath and holding the pose. Although it may seem strange at first to really spend a moment and listen to what is going on in your head, with regular practice, this exercise is not only good for the body and muscles but also for the mind and soul.

Yoga Haywards Heath

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